Momenteel is de corona infectie in Hope Home redelijk onder controle. Alle medewerkers zijn gevaccineerd en er is een streng toelatingsbeleid voor bezoekers. Nu de derde golf door India waadt, hopen ze dat er niet opnieuw een lockdown komt zoals in de eerste fase. Dit bleek een slechte uitwerking op de kinderen te hebben. De basis benodigdheden kwamen niet of te laat en hun studies leden er enorm onder. Nu volgen ze veelal online onderwijs en zijn ze van alles voorzien. Mondmaskers zijn verplicht en er wordt nog meer op hygiëne gelet. Zodra er voor de kinderen vaccinaties beschikbaar zijn zullen ook zij worden ingeënt.

Onderstaand 2 reactie van de kinderen:
- Radha Swami, I had to go home during the first wave of covid-19, due to no smart phone facility at my home, I suffered a lot in the field of studies I am so fortunate that Hope Home Management and Agnes Kunze Society have decided to open Hope Home during COVID 19 second wave for our favor. In Hope Home, I got to study through the Internet, and by smart tablets I was able to make up for the loss I had suffered in the past. Through Hope Home, the best facilities were provided to me and other children, the society did not leave any stone unturned towards education and health, I believe that hardly children of rich homes would have got such facilities, like we got. Thank you providing me everything which I need in this situation. Thank you.
- Mahima Swami, During second wave of COVID 19 our nursing college was closed and I have decided to come back of Hope Home. It was my privilege that Society allow us to stay at Hope Home. I and other beneficiary of Hope Home got wi-fi facilities, internet services, computers, Byju’s tablets, and many more other facilities. In the first wave I was in my college, but in the second wave we were sent back home due to the fear of COVID. During this period, the Hope Project provided us a lot of support, and gave an opportunity to study online with the Internet device and computer installed here.